Comments 8

  1. This horrible attendance record of Fletchers is number 85 why I hope he comes in third in this race. Hey Nathan, did the Marines allow you to only show up for work 40% of the time?

  2. It’s good messaging, but I wish they didn’t use the distracting cartoonish image. The attendance roster speaks for itself.

    Red’s point about being a Marine who skips well made.

    The problem for those us of who support other candidates is of all the candidates, Fletcher has the best packaging of social media and press coverage. That his team rolled over from the Filner recall gave them a two month head start to get an operation started in plenty of time to campaign. Think the other candidates are all hurting from this advantage.

    Got a few Faulconer mailers. Wish his team would take Hulu ads to reach young voters. Seems his team is only focusing on ‘seasoned’ folks and for us youngins, we need to hear that he wants to govern for our needs too.

  3. That last post was for anyone who hasn’t heard that (humble soldier) Fletcher was in the Marines. Right.

  4. Fletch has a pattern of not showing up:
    – to Assembly to vote (check per above)
    – to Qualcomm for whatever he does (check on press front)
    – to 2013 Mayoral debates (pretty sure he debated less than KF/DA as they seem steady on the debate scene)

    Thought for future mailer. Would he show up as San Diego’s mayor? Tie it in with Kevin’s appearance at almost all the debates the past month.

    When Fletch missed the first debate sponsored by Asian biz community, shocked because it’s a high sector job creating part of the world. Manufacturing is booming in those markets. As a marine, would think he understands the Geo-political importance for San Diego’s tie to SE Asia? What was so important he couldn’t attend? The Polo club?

    Kevin and David seem to me more engaged in the race because they appear at all the debates. I may note agree with David, but I respect his engagement.

  5. Rostra hero Carl DeMaio missed more debates in the 2012 Mayoral race than the number of debates that will even be scheduled this election. He missed quite a few votes as well even though he was campaigning in the same city he worked in. Maybe Scott Peters should use that line of attack in his campaign.

  6. Red,

    The Marines allowed him to show up far less than 40% of the time. I think the humorous thing to point out about Nathan’s military attendance record is that he only had to show up one weekend a month, one week a year, and voluntarily deployed. He was in the reserves for ten years. Maybe his military experience really did prepare him to be a politician, but not in the ways he loves to talk about it.

    Semper Fi,

    Pat Batten

  7. Pat,

    B.S. Fletcher may have signed up for the Reserves, but he was called up to active duty in 2003 and volunteered for a second tour in 2006.. Much of his time was spent in Iraq and his valor under fire is well documented.

    I guess now it is ok to attack and lie about veterans if they happen to be Democrats.

  8. Post

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