Comments 13

  1. Post

    Candidates and consultants are invited to send their mail samples our way; we’ll try to post them as we can.

    BTW, we will repeat something noted in past elections, for those inevitably ticked-off when we put up mail they don’t like:

    For anyone that has concerns about mail on Rostra, especially if they think it will influence an outcome: Uhhh, the mail went to thousands throughout the particular city or district. You’re concerned about it being posted HERE?

  2. Why is Mr. Chavez’s first name listed as “Rocky” ? Is this some racist code that this is not his real name? Hodges should either explain or apologize to the readers of Rostra. Maybe her campaign assistant “Tony” Trejo can explain for her?

  3. I am deeply disappointed in the Republican Party of San Diego for endorsing this candidate Sherry Hodges and letting her use their special elephant logo in her negative and untruthful campaign literature.

    At a time when we all need to pull together to get Mitt Romney elected as President, the Republican Party endorsed candidate has first torn apart Carlsbad Council Member Farrah Douglas’ candidacy, using lies and innuendo to hurt Farrah, a sterling Republican, and Mrs. Hodges chooses to attack Colonel Chavez with the same tactics and as shown in the ad she placed in SD Rostra, even playing a race card against this fine American gentleman.

    The Republican Party does not need candidates like Mrs. Hodges and should disassociate from her campaign immediately. We need Republican leaders who have positive ideas how to grow our party in California and take our country to a new level of strength and success.

  4. Oh that Sherry! It’s admirable how she always takes the high road. To not do so would be like…..trying to ban a book she’d never read.

  5. Post

    For the record, Ms. Hodges has placed no ad on SD Rostra. This is not an ad, this is a copy of a mail piece. We look forward to the Chavez campaign sending along any mail pieces of interest if they wish.

  6. Why is Charles Munger so interested in the AD 76 Race? He has spent over $200K, on mailers, in support of Chavez:

    Now, he has spent over $25K, for mailers, to directly attack Sherry Hodges?

    Why would a “conservative” want to cast his lot with the admittedly liberal Charles Munger?

  7. It’s RACIST to use the name “Rocky” in the piece? REALLY???

    Oh my.

    I think Chavez uses “Rocky.” He did at a GOP event I heard him speak at. He’s happy with it. Is HE a self-hating racist?

    Of course, one can play with the pun on his name, suggesting his positions are “rocky.” I don’t, but that’s just politics. NOT racist.

    My my, indeed!

    BTW, in my postings, I often call Bob Filner “Comrade Filner.” Is THAT racist too???

    Is “Comrade” insulting? Yes. Accurate? Arguably so. Racist? LOL.

  8. Richard, here is the way I understand it, from those claiming the racism. Apparently, Rocky’s name is Rocky, it’s not a nickname. So, for anyone to place the name in quote marks (“Rocky”) means they want the voters to think that he is only using Rocky to hide his real first name. The claim of racism is that Sherry and others are trying to imply that Rocky is hiding a name that the voters would somehow reject on racial grounds if they knew what it was. Follow? I hope so.

  9. The reason the name Rocky is in quotation marks is because of the dictionary definition of Rocky. From Merriam-Webster:

    1: unstable, wobbly
    2: physically upset or mentally confused (as from drinking excessively)
    3: marked by obstacles or problems : difficult, rough

    As in, Rocky is a “Rocky” politician and candidate. It’s simply a play on words. We have no desire to paint his first name as a fake name, nor do we wish to win this race on any sort of prejudice.

    Do you really think people would be more willing to be biased against a more Hispanic first name, such as Carlos, José, or Alberto, instead of his last name being Chavez? I’m sorry, but that argument just doesn’t hold. Try something else. Again, we have no wishes to win this race based upon anything but the comparison of principle and character, and we’ve done nothing to imply otherwise.

    And thank you to Mr. Brady for pointing out one of the most interesting aspects of this campaign.

    Disclaimer: I am the Volunteer Coordinator with Sherry’s Campaign

  10. Sage: I appreciate the explanation. I wasn’t calling the use of “Rocky” racism, I was just pointing out what those that are claiming it as such are saying. They seem pretty Rocky to me.

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