Attorney Gloria Allred to represent woman accusing Filner of sex harassment
Here’s the lawsuit, from the UT San Diego website…
Related UT story…
Bob Filner statement, issued Monday evening…
I am saddened by the charges that were leveled against me today. Once due process is allowed to unfold, I am certain there will be a better understanding of this situation.
I remain committed to the people of San Diego and the work that needs to be done. My dreams and plans for moving this City to new heights are continuing. I humbly ask that through this vicious storm of controversy, people take a moment and temper their rush to judgment.
I do not believe these claims are valid. That is why due process is so important. I intend to defend myself vigorously and I know that justice will prevail.
Comments 7
Wow. Pop some popcorn and watch the clown show unfold.
Hypocrisy: You wanted a name and now you’ve got one…Irene McCormick Jackson. Can’t wait for Gloria Allred to start tearing chunks off Filner. Do the right thing and denounce Filner.
Kind of ironic that Mayor Filner raided the city’s liability reserve fund in his first budget by reducing it $6 million to about $100,000.
Of course, he should pay for his actions not the taxpayer, but hey he is the mayor and can do whatever he wants.
Want to bet on that Bobby?
I believe I have already denounced Filner’s alleged actions, but I still believe in constitutional protections even when it is inconvenient to do so. I also believe forcing someone from office based on allegations, no matter how credible, sets a dangerous precedent. All that being said, I do wish he would resign, apologize and get help, in that order.
“All that being said, I do wish he would resign, apologize and get help, in that order.”
Why do you want Filner to resign? It contradicts the preceding statement:
“I also believe forcing someone from office based on allegations, no matter how credible, sets a dangerous precedent. “
It is admittedly a fine distinction between resigning while admitting fault vs. being forced out while still claiming innocence, but I do believe the former would be a better alternative.
“I am saddened by the charges that were leveled against me today.” What is it that saddens him, exactly? These are the same charges that were leveled against him two weeks ago, only now they have a name and a face attached to them. Is he sad because of this?
Is he sad because people just don’t understand that he’s really just a well-meaning hugger who gets carried away?
Or is he sad because his lechery is finally getting the exposure it deserves and his “legacy” may be forever scarred by the stain?