Check out Congressman Hunter giving it to the state, while providing a nuanced backhand to Assemblyman Fletcher, without naming him. Don’t miss the opportunity TODAY to provide some good-natured, conservative-minded campaign Turds & Blossoms to our lefty friends at SD CityBeat…
SDUT: by Congressman Duncan D. Hunter… State, local officials out of touch
VOSD: Sheriff Race Gets Ugly With Union Official’s Ouster
VOSD: GOP Gives Unprecedented $20,000 to Council Candidate
Poway News Chieftain: Editorial: Recall Betty Rexford, elect Steve Vaus
CityBeat: Turds & Blossoms free for all!
East County Mag: Two Republicans square off in 78th Assembly primary race
SDUT: City report analyzes effects of salary cap
SDUT: Ethics panel cleared Councilman Hueso
SDNR: Court ruling bolsters free speech, opens campaign spigots in San Diego
VOSD: The Candidate Who Accepts No Contributions
Flash: by Vince Vasquez… Honoring CA’s everday entrepreneurs