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Where is Travis Allen? It’s time to lead! #WHEREISTRAVIS

A conservative Latino’s view on politics…

The primary battle between Republican Party members, Assemblyman Travis Allen and business leader John Cox was vicious and nasty – mostly from Allen toward Cox. It turned into a lopsided, decisive beatdown that saw Cox take Allen out by 16.3 percentage points (over 900,000 votes). It was reminiscent of the utter destruction Mike Tyson gave Marvis Frasier.

Right now, Allen is still reeling – hurt, bitter, resentful and likely wants revenge on Cox any way he can. Despite his pettiness, Allen still sees himself as a leader. Well, Assemblyman, it’s time to lead. It’s time for your pity-party to end. It’s time to “man up” and help unite the Republican Party. It’s time to heal all wounds and move forward. #WHEREISTRAVIS

Allen mentioned the greatness of former Governor and President Ronald Reagan while campaigning. Travis, it’s time to learn from “Dutch” and become, “the Great Communicator.” Reagan brought the Republican Party together after his treacherous defeat in the 1976 presidential primary with an impromptu speech that’s now, forever enshrined as a masterpiece. Reagan, losing with grace and dignity, set himself up for the presidency. Can Travis Allen do the same?

Democrats always come together

Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom’s top Democrat challenger, former mayor, Tony Villa (Antonio Villaraigosa’s real surname), came out and endorsed Newsom after his loss. Democrats always do this and do it quickly. As of this writing, we’re still waiting on Allen to endorse Cox.

We need Allen to rally his troops. Hurt and stung by this bitter defeat, some won’t willingly unify without their candidate encouraging them to do so. Allen can redeem himself in the eyes of every conservative in California by joining Cox to focus on the true enemies of California – Democrats and the leftist known as Gavin Newsom!

Assemblyman, you want to be a leader, act like one. You want support down the road from all conservatives and the Republican Party, then lead now, because the party needs you. #WHEREISTRAVIS

Allen supporters – hurt, bitter and conspiratorial

Allen supporters are hurt, angry, and at a loss to understand this win by John Cox. We understand that. Those not involved in politics don’t always understand. When we put a good part of our lives into a candidate’s campaign, a loss will take time to process. This devastating beatdown came shortly after the polls closed, ending a supposed evening with destiny, filled with joy and celebration – David defeating Goliath!

Instead, shattered dreams… because they were led to ignore every data point showing a loss was coming. They were led to believe they would destroy Cox election night. They were led to believe the polls were wrong. They were led to believe there was no way Allen could lose. They were led astray.

They believed every mistruth, half-truth, and outright lie Allen made about Cox. Lies that linger as truths and their lack of understanding the loss, makes them angrier.

Frustration with a lack of understanding the ballot process is creating conspiracy theories of voter fraud. They’re demanding a recount despite a 16.3-percentage point difference that equates to over 900,000 votes. Their false belief of “establishment” RINOs conspiring to sabotage Allen, makes it unfathomable to believe conservatives would back Cox – but back him we did.

We don’t blame them, we’ve all been there, with losing campaigns, but the damage done may be irreparable. Unless Allen chooses to lead and unify his followers with Cox’s. However, he’s nowhere to be found. #WHEREISTRAVIS

Allen Acolyte, West Walker, in denial

I have compassion for Allen’s supporters but none for his staff. Specifically, “acolyte” West Walker, in charge of Field Operations, who continued to stoke the fires after the election. His acrimonious letter to the volunteers was nothing but a primitive defense mechanism, as was his Facebook post.

West Welker Post-Election Facebook Post

Walker let loose with half-truths and outright lies because someone chose to vote for Cox after the CAGOP endorsement vote clearly showed Cox as the party favorite despite neither candidate winning the endorsement. West’s response? Go off like a drunken sailor slurring stupidity and acting like Hillary Rodham Clinton’s staff did, after her shocking rout at the hands of President Donald Trump!

Some will say, Del Pilar, let it go, you’re not helping. Maybe, but someone must show the lunacy and idiocy of an Allen staff member continuing to stoke the fire to keep us from unifying. #WHEREISTRAVIS

Assemblyman Travis Allen emerges… sort of

It took Allen a couple of days to regroup and emerge to give his supporters the following message:

Travis Allen thanks his supporters but no John Cox endorsement.

There was no unity message, but it wasn’t surprising. During trying times, the true nature of a man will emerge. Those of us thrust into leadership, willingly or unwillingly understand the weight of responsibility, the grind it puts us through. The heavy burden on our shoulders knowing the consequences of our decisions, affect others.

Right now, all I know of Travis Allen is the candidate, a man who took half-truths and made them mistruths and lies. I need to see a Travis Allen emerge that wants to end the bitterness, the hate and bring us together. I want to see Travis Allen, the leader. Right now, I continue to believe a leopard cannot change its spots. #WHEREISTRAVIS

It’s time to “man up” Travis

Those who care, “man up” – we follow through. We deal with aches and pain – whether physical or emotional after the responsibility of our jobs are complete and we hold ourselves accountable. Yes, we’re all human and losing, simply put, sucks but it’s time to “man up” Travis and be the leader you claim!

I’ve come to question Travis Allen’s leadership ability because I came to view him as a bully. Right now, like all bullies, after getting punched in the nose, he’s scurried away like a rat refusing to do what’s right – acknowledge a tough bitter fight and begin mending fences to move forward.

Jon Fleishman, of the Flash Report, a respected conservative, who I don’t know, but have heard speak at CAGOP convention seminars, said, “Travis is a good conservative and is my friend.” That’s not who I saw in the primary, but primaries have become “Cain and Abel” between party members, so I’ll take Fleishman’s word.

I urge him and others – talk to Travis. Bring the party together. Help John Cox rid the state of the violence, homelessness, poverty and high taxes leftists have given us that Gavin Newsom will expand. We barely have five months to convince all Californians to unite and make the Golden State the land where the American dream is once again attainable. #WHEREISTRAVIS

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