Working in the District

Assemblymember Marie WaldronAssemblymember Marie Waldron Leave a Comment


This session my legislative package deals with public safety, healthcare, government efficiency, job creation, business assistance and rebuilding after the recent fires.  Even with Republicans being in the super-minority, it is possible to work on issues and get things done.  Only some of my bills are highlighted here.

Public safety bills include AB 2720, reducing recidivism rates by providing more services for youth on parole from state prison to help them successfully re-enter society. AB 1983 improves school safety by requiring school districts and local law enforcement to collaborate on safety threat assessments of school facilities and emergency practices, along with AB 3105 increasing penalties for fentanyl possession, a powerful synthetic opioid.

Two of my bills deal with California’s recent fire disasters. AB 1943 updates state laws that can block conventional home financing in common interest developments, like the manufactured homes that burned in the Lilac Fire, for those seeking to rebuild and for new home buyers, along with ACA 24 which allows residents relocating after natural disasters to transfer base-year tax values (Prop 13) to replacement homes anywhere in California.  

Healthcare bills include AB 2893 updating the California Health Benefit Review Program (CHBRP) for improved healthcare outcomes and treatments upfront, resulting in fewer costly hospitalizations and doctor visits over the long-term.  AB 2342 ensures that women considered high-risk for breast or ovarian cancer receive appropriate early genetic counseling and testing.  And AB1963 incentivizes providers to become certified to treat opioid and substance abuse disorders.  Currently only 2% of providers are certified in our state.

Modernizing state government is the goal of AB 2087, resulting in greater transparency, efficiency, cost savings and customer service at all state agencies, including the DMV, Caltrans and even the Legislature!

 The 2017-2018 legislative session ends August 31st and I’m hoping that my legislation along with many other bi-partisan bills that will benefit all Californians make it to the Governor’s desk.

                                                                                                   * * * 

Minority Floor Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.


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