Travis Allen: A fraud? A liar? A snake oil salesman? All the above! Part II

William Del PilarWilliam Del Pilar 4 Comments


A conservative Latino’s view on politics…

Part two of my research into Republican gubernatorial candidate, Assemblyman Travis Allen (R), 72nd Assembly District. You can read the first half here: “Travis Allen: A fraud? A liar? A snake oil salesman? All the above! Part I”.

Travis Allen, creating a false narrative, the CAGOP proxy battle

The most recent CAGOP convention went down in San Diego. It was also my first opportunity to carry a proxy – just as Travis Allen did. As an Associate Delegate, I don’t get a vote. So, when asked, I jumped on the opportunity to go from the kiddie table (where nonvoting people sit and watch) to the grown-up table (the floor, where voting delegates sit).

On the floor, an Allen supporter spoke out of turn accusing or implying, the Republican Party of rigging the vote and buying proxies. The Chairman gave him an eloquent tongue-lashing as I sat perplexed. Perplexed, because the party doesn’t award proxies. The delegates who don’t go to the convention award proxies.

There’s always a power play for proxies and Allen knows this and did his share to get them. It’s rigid, with a strict verification process, so the Republican Party awarding proxies to those they want endorsed is a lie. Allen’s camp knows this.

You also need 60 percent of the voting body to win the party endorsement – the final tally:

  • 55.3 percent for John Cox
  • 40.5 percent for Travis Allen.

Despite the beatdown, a “no endorsement” kept Allen’s campaign alive, but he still needed an excuse for not winning, which became, “the system’s rigged.” Despite the fact, Allen used the same proxy process Cox did, so creating a narrative became more important than the truth.

I know conservatives – conservatives that have been working tirelessly for years to keep conservatism alive in California. The opposite of Allen’s “social media conservatives” who attack, lie and when they can’t convert you, claim you’re not conservative. Shades of Obama sheep! Most politically active conservatives at the CAGOP were supporting Cox and the results reflect that. Allen supporters attacked them for it! It was disgraceful, simply disgraceful!

Travis Allen’s heavily redacted sexual harassment charge

Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore, 67th District – one of the state’s most respected conservatives, pulled her endorsement of Allen after his sexual harassment claim went public. Allen and his supporters are downplaying and making light of it, vehemently attacking and disparaging anyone who brings it up. However, Melendez’s words were powerful and direct.

She told the Bay Area News Group, “I informed gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen on Friday, after reviewing claims of inappropriate conduct, I have no choice but to withdraw my endorsement of his candidacy.”

  • Why pull the endorsement if the sexual harassment claim had no truth?
  • Why didn’t Melendez come out and defend her endorsed candidate?
  • Why was the document so heavily redacted?

We can assume, Melendez had access to the unredacted version and the fact she never “re-endorsed” Allen speaks volumes. Maybe Allen’s right, but this stinks to high heaven.

The Endorsements that could end it for Travis Allen

While Melendez withdrew her endorsement of Travis Allen, President Donald Trump endorsed John Cox for governor. Allen desperately needed and wanted this endorsement and his camp went hysterical in a call to his volunteers. Now they’re in a rage and pointing out Trump’s failed endorsements of Ed Gillespie, Luther Strange, and Rick Saccone, as a positive for Allen. Conveniently ignoring candidates who have won with Trump’s endorsement – Ron Estes, Greg Gianforte, Karen Handel and Debbie Lesko.

The endorsement that’s important, is the one from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) PAC. The HJTA is our largest grassroots organization that protects and fights for us, including protecting Proposition 13. Allen himself talks up his HJTA rating but they rebuked Allen and endorsed Cox.

There’s more Travis Allen deception, mistruths and lies, but I lack the time and word count:

  • Falsely characterizing Cox.
  • Allen has no legislative accomplishments of note.
  • Too many missed Assembly votes.
  • Claims to be Pro-Life yet abstains on abortion votes.
  • Original supporter of the Jungle Primary (top-two advance regardless of party).
  • Donations to Democrats while hammering Cox’s donations.
  • Tax liens against him.
  • Civil judgments against him.

I was open to either candidate but what I found was troubling with Allen. Allen has a frat boy mentality, encourages and condones lying, is a hypocrite and is abusing donations. For all the flaws I’ve seen from Cox, he’s admitted wrongs (Allen has not) and he reached out to me. I listened and was satisfied, whereas Allen’s people attacked me and that’s fine. As you can see, I can I fight back, but unlike Allen, I do it with truths.

Travis Allen is trying to lay claim to a mantle of conservatism without a solid, consistent track record of political or business success to back it up. After researching and hearing both candidates, my decision was easy. John Cox earned my vote as he should yours.

Part One: “Travis Allen: A fraud? A liar? A snake oil salesman? All the above! Part I”.

This article originally appeared in the Valley Roadrunner, May 31, 2018.


Comments 4

  1. William, one of the most important things you said in this article about Travis Allen is that for him, “creating a narrative became more important than the truth”. This is what he has done throughout this campaign he has run. He has done this in how he presents himself and he has done this in the lies he has told about John Cox. Travis Allen takes little truths and blows them up into Big Half Lies or Full Lies. The truth doesn’t matter only what he thinks will win him the election. For him, integrity takes a back seat…

  2. Interesting commentary. as a side note – I read only a partial description of the deeds our founding fathers were accused of, yikes! Yet they managed a miracle – they formed a constitutional republic.

    First – I like the author had no knowledge of either person. About 2 months ago, I read that Cox was ahead in the polls, so I sent him my education reform plan. Even after following up, I did not even get any communication. To this date – still nothing. I did watch the debates and Cox talked about school choice (what does that really mean?) and smarter allocation of dollars for education.
    I did talk to Cox at the GOP Convention and he said his main priority was cost of living/quality of life. He said there were other issues but nothing worth mentioning.
    No mentioning of the horrific curriculum we have now, ranking California 47 out of 50 states?.
    No mentioning of Common Core and the program deliberately dumbing down our kids for over 60 years? SanDiego parents are protesting the horrific sex education being imposed – helpless to stop it.
    Now for Travis Allen.
    I sent my plan about 2 – 3 days after I sent it to the Cox campaign. I heard from the campaign mgr within 2 days. They loved my ideas and Travis incorporated them into his plan to provide our state with the best education system in the nation!
    Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles in ALL parties would vote for him in the general election and of course, all Republicans. That is our game-changer to turn this state back to commonsense, morality prosperity with an education system the envy of the nation!
    That is why I joined the Travis Allen campaign.
    Please vote for Travis Allen, not for yourself, but for our youth and our future generation!

  3. I also met both candidates at the Grass Valley Republican Womens luncheon. I asked Ose, Cox and Allen the same question, “How can we get the vote of the unionized workers?” Ose said he did not know. Cox shrugged and walked off. Allen listened, asked me questions and we problem solved together. As an RN, I also asked about whether he is promoting making abortion illegal. He said, it is impractical. I agree and I spend my efforts in the community and in my job, preventing the causes for sex outside of marriage. I have been there to help women debrief after abortion so they have hope, healing and a future without another abortion. Get real and get your hands dirty working with the poor and hurting. Not getting any bills passed in CA legislature – so what?!? Blocking dangerous bills in he last six years = priceless.

  4. Annamarie, something in your post exactly illustrates my point about Travis Allen, his method, and his character. You asked him “about whether he is promoting making abortion illegal. (Saying that he would make it illegal would be an absolute solid pro-life position). ” He gave you the answer that he said it was impractical. But then at the California Republican Party Convention here in San Diego a month ago, during his speech to the Delegates that would be voting on endorsement , he came out hard, fast and loud that he was absolutely Pro-Life! (after of course John Cox received the endorsement of the California ProLife Council PAC and Californians for Life ). He did it just so that he could get votes that strict Pro-Life Republicans were going to give to Cox. Before Cox got those endorsements, Travis Allen would never have made that statement he did at the convention.

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