Click for a very interesting website about PRIVATE fire fighting companies in America.
Private Firefighting In the U.S.
Private firefighting is a rapidly growing industry. Yes, private firefighters make up just 4.3 percent of the nation’s total firefighters, but this is an industry on the verge of catching fire because of a growing trend toward privatization.
According to a 2012 study conducted by market research firm IBISWorld, there are 256 private firefighting companies in the United States — a number that’s expected to grow to more than 320 by 2017. At the same time, the number of firefighters employed by private companies will increase from 16,880 to 27,206.
There was been increased privatization of firefighting efforts by state and local governments as those institutions have struggled with the decline in tax revenue, stressed budgets and caused consolidation of publicly funded fire suppression resources. Between 2009 and 2011, the number of public sector firefighters and first-line supervisors — structural and wildland fire — decreased by 0.6 percent. Over that same period, private sector firefighters and supervisors grew 16.9 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Privatization of firefighting saves most state and municipal governments between 10 and 40 percent, according to a 2012 study by Ibis World, “Private Firefighting Studies In the U.S.”
Comments 2
SOOOO, Mike, in California our firefighters are 60% better than the paid firefighters in the other 49 states? (That’s how much more they get paid.) Really??? They’re worth THAT much more?? You have anything but a government labor union cliche’ to offer as evidence?
Here’s my evidence regarding the pay:
FACT: The average California firefighter is paid 60% more than paid firefighters in other 49 states (not counting the 70+% who are volunteer firefighters). CA cops are paid 56% more. Yet the CA 2011 median household income (including gov’t workers) is only 13.4% above nat’l avg.
BTW, I’m sure a big spender like you shops only at Nordstrom’s, Sacs 5th Avenue and Tiffany’s — you pay the highest prices and get the best. You wouldn’t be caught dead buying in a “big box” store like Costco. Well, you wouldn’t IF you believed your post. But when it’s YOUR money, that’s a different story, right?