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The King, The Prince and Prop 26

In a just society law is used to defend the inalienable rights of free men. Among these rights is the freedom to trade, or if one wishes, the freedom to gamble their property.

Consent of the Governed
Since all men are created equal and an individual can’t stop his neighbor from gambling, it follows that an individual therefore lacks the ability to transfer consent to his magistrate to inhibit these natural rights. These principles, free markets and limited government, governing the freedom to trade, form the basis of a just society.

Free Markets
In a just society not only can a man gamble his property but a man can create a market for his neighbor to do so. No obstacles to entry. No licenses nor bribing of the king required.

Pursuit of Happiness
In California, men aren’t free to gamble their property let alone create markets to do so. If one wishes to create a market to gamble he must first bribe the king (the State) for permission and “privilege.” This is an immoral obstacle to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The king (State of California) then uses $80 million a year, collected from Princes, to finance his top down one size fits all public “education” system further undermining our understanding of freedom.

Enter Prop 26
Sponsored by Princes Barona, Viejas and Sycuan. Indian casinos oppose free markets and competition. Their desire is to limit competition and further entrench their unjust monopoly by using their unfair privilege to offer on site sports betting not currently offered.

Indian casinos in California have a virtual monopoly on slot machines. This allows casinos to convert their privilege (all men not equal under law) to cash and unfair influence over our legislators.

A “Yes” vote allows Prince Viejas to increase his unjust monopoly and the redistribution of our private property to the king.

A “No” vote keeps Prince Viejas from expanding his monopoly but still redistributes our property to the king.  It doesn’t reform the status quo or offer freedom.

Another False Binary for the California Voter
A just proposition would eliminate State licensing as an obstacle to entry and end the redistribution of $80 million dollars a year from the private sector to the king and California’s one size fits all public education failure. A just proposition would acknowledge the inalienable freedom of all Californians. A just proposition would acknowledge our natural rights pre-exist the State and are therefore superior to it.

Unfortunately, we are not free nor will the king allow such a proposition. Neither a “Yes” or a “No” vote offers a path for reform. The feudal estates of Princes Barona, Viejas and Sycuan will continue unchallenged. Enjoy serfdom.

Limited government not conserved.

Individual liberty not conserved.

Private property not conserved.

Free markets not conserved.

The only thing ‘conserved’ by Prop 26 are the socialist ideas of Marx and Rousseau and the status quo.


Eric Andersen is a former Caucus Chair of the 71st Assembly District of the San Diego County Republican Party and former Rock Church Citizen of the Year.

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