With all the anonymous emails being sent around these days I tend to just ignore them, but one in particular caught my attention. I was forwarded a very interesting email about some accusations being floated in a race that always seems to cause problems without offering solutions.
The email in question involved C Mason Weaver, candidate for the Republican nomination in the 53rd Congressional district, making some curious comments about Matt Friedman, another candidate in that race for the nomination to unseat Davis. The email describes Weaver calling Friedman gay and giving his take on some details to back up his accusations.
I don’t think Friedman is gay, or why it would matter, but I don’t think that sort of campaigning should be something Weaver should be engaging in less than a month after that Crimmins character was removed from the SDGOP Central Committee for making comments toward Weaver himself. If Weaver really is going around implying something like that then he probably owes Matt Friedman a big apology and should stick to positive campaigning. I’m not sure if Weaver reads SDRostra, but I’d love to hear from him on the topic either way.
Comments 1
There is a recording of Mr. Weaver making his comments and I have heard it. I believe that our party would be better served by a candidate that inspires rather than destroys. Mr. Weaver should spend more time walking door to door talking to voters rather than picking fights with those in his own party. Perhaps this is how the Black Panther Party taught you to win in the 60’s, but the Republican Party is trying hard to rise above the fray and hold tight to the moral high ground.
I’ve seen first hand that Mr. Friedman has hundreds of volunteers who he has inspired to get into politics for the first time in their life. Men and women of all ages, race, creed, and background. Mr. Friedman’s fiscally responsible, small-government views are resonating in a district where Democrats outnumber Republicans by as large a margin as “independents” outnumber Republicans. That’s right…”independents”…you remember them. Those are the people we need to convince that Republicans should be back in control of congress.
Mr. Weaver, for you to insult Mr. Friedman’s wife and family in the manner you have chosen and for you to campaign in the manner in which you have chosen is deplorable. If you want to debate on opinions, step up to the table and try your hardest. If you want to go after his integrity, I’d suggest trying Mr. Crimmins instead because he is a far easier target. If you want to attack him personally by lying, good luck with your book sales, because that will never win respect or votes.
To everyone else reading this, if you are interested in the success of the Republican Party in San Diego…the 53rd District is the battlefield. If you want to work in a district where you know the Republican will win, I would point you to the east or north. If you want to actually make a difference and help further the cause we all claim to be dedicated to, contact Mr. Freidman.
We have the opportunity to support a principled, intelligent candidate whose motivations are sincere and conservative ideas inspire. We have the opportunity to beat a Democrat who is so mired in progressive, tax-and-spend politics that beating her would send a message to the entire country. Do not look back in 2011 and think about how much more you could have done to help.