Opinion: ‘Shameful’ to Use Las Vegas Tragedy to Advance Gun Control

San Diego County Gun OwnersUndesignated Leave a Comment

The San Diego County Gun Owners political-action committee feels it is shameful that Rep. Scott Peters saw a horrible tragedy like the mass murder in Las Vegas as an opportunity to advance his gun-control agenda. Americans are mourning, healing and helping. Yet, Peters chose to leverage this tragedy to advance his agenda through a public statement that was published on this website. Our advocacy organization …

A Message on the Tragedy in Las Vegas

San Diego County Gun OwnersUndesignated 10 Comments

Friends, Like you, I am sickened and saddened by the horrific mass murder that happened Sunday night at a concert in Las Vegas.  Reading about it, hearing about it, and viewing the video taken by witnesses put a lump in my throat all day yesterday.  I don’t know how any of us kept from shedding a tear.  May the families …