Lightner Takes Credit for Repaving Her Street

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 1 Comment

From San Diego County Voters for Progress & Reform: “I have fought to … resurface more than 25 miles of roads and fill thousands of potholes in District One,” Sherri Lightner tells voters on her campaign website. That’s interesting because Rachel Laing, the former press aide to Mayor Jerry Sanders and a Lightner supporter, argues that’s not true. The “mayor (staff) …

‘This race between Ray Ellis and Sherri Lightner could be a real game changer’

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 5 Comments

There is a segment that ran yesterday on KOGO (95.7FM/600AM) we think is worth sharing because it touches on an important political storyline that has yet to gain a lot of traction. Tony Manolatos, a communications consultant and Rostra contributor, and KOGO’s LaDona Harvey discussed the race between Ray Ellis and Sherri Lightner for the San Diego City Council District …

Gonzalez punishes Gloria and Lightner

Tony ManolatosTony Manolatos 11 Comments

[captionpix imgsrc=”” captiontext=”Lorena Gonzalez”] Politics & Media Mashup There was a short but very telling story in Friday’s U-T San Diego. On the surface, “Labor gives ‘F’ grade to five on S.D. council” does not look like much more than a few inches on B2, but the story highlights how cutthroat politics can be at City Hall. The piece, written …

Lightner Says She is Yes on Prop B

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 6 Comments

U-T San Diego reporter Jen Kuhney, apparently writing a story on City Council District 1, sent out a surprising tweet earlier: @jenkuhney: .@SherriLightner said she supports the pension reform ballot measure “but the devil is in the details.” The Ellis campaign was quick to respond… Ray Ellis’ Statement on Sherri Lightner’s Stance on Proposition B: “Sherri Lightner has opposed pension reform …

Does Maas miss good journalism or is ‘Sinko DeMaio’ his real end game?

Tony ManolatosTony Manolatos 5 Comments

Your weekend news aggregator leads off with the most interesting local stories of the week and includes links to stories about statewide politics, presidential politics and social media. A DeMaio Documentary might surface if there is any decent dirt to dig up on San Diego mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio, said Republican developer Fred Maas. The project is in the infant stages …

Calling San Diego Taxpayers: Oppose the “Jobs Tax”

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 4 Comments

The San Diego County Taxpayers calls upon San Diegans to voice their opposition to a proposal by the San Diego City Council to double the so called “linkage fee” charged to construction projects in the City of San Diego. This fee is yet another short-sighted job killer and SDCTA is strongly opposed to this increase. The Council will also consider …

San Diegans AGAINST The Sales Tax Increase Plan Monday News Conference

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 4 Comments

Concerned business owners and citizens will step forward to voice their opposition to a proposed sales tax increase in the City of San Diego prior to a discussion at the San Diego City Council meeting on Monday afternoon, July 26 at 1 p.m. Speakers will call for the City to address pension reform, managed competition and spending cuts before asking …

Explosions, Sex, and Politics!

SunshineSunshine Leave a Comment

Did that headline make you read this? Good, because this is boring yet so exciting! Unless you don’t neurotically check your twitter, don’t get breaking political news email pushed to your blackberry, or don’t regularly troll the City Clerk’s office (see: you’re normal), you are just now finding out that Carl DeMaio’s Fair and Open Contracting Ballot Measure, henceforth known …


Mr. MurphyMr. Murphy 27 Comments

I’m not exactly sure what would get me up in the morning if I didn’t think I’d have another move by Marti Emerald that put her one step closer to resignation (I’ll save the rumors on this for a later post) or recall. What did I awake to this morning? Half a dozen emails circulating around town which quote Emerald …