From: @FlashReport Sent: Jul 21, 2010 10:11p **Breaking News** Moments ago Salas called Vargas and conceded the 40th SD Dem Primary. The recount is over! sent via UberTwitter On Twitter: Read additional comments from Jim Sills’ prior post this evening:
3rd Day Recount — Mary Salas loses a net Four Votes — 3 in Riverside — 1 in San Diego– Overall Juan Vargas lead now + 26 votes
UPDATE, 9:15 pm, July 21st Today’s San Diego county recount results are in for SD 40. They show a net 1 vote loss for Salas in this county. Earlier this evening, Riverside released their Day 3 Recount report, and Salas lost a net 3 votes there. Juan Vargas’ totals remained unchanged today in each county. Both San Diego and Riverside re-checked 12 …
Recount Day Two: San Diego and Riverside county updates now show Vargas still +22 votes in SD 40
Update [9:50 pm, July 20, 2010] … San Diego county just chimed-in with their numbers on Day 2 of the Juan Vargas-Mary Salas recount. They examined 16 more precincts today. Net Result… Juan Vargas is still + 22 votes ahead of Mary Salas district-wide in SD 40. Salas added 3 new votes in San Diego, but had 1 disqualified. Vargas …
Overheard Downtown This Afternoon
At lunch this afternoon my guest and I happened to sit next to what I presume to be a couple of Democrat legislative staff. The conversation: how hard State Senate President Darrell Steinberg had fought to make sure Vargas lost to Salas in the 40th State Senate District, and what the ramifications would be when Vargas is sworn in. IF …
Recount Day One…Salas Loses 1 Vote in San Diego Registrar’s Report of Senate Dist. 40 Hand count
Update [2:00 a.m.], Tuesday, July 20 Late Monday night, Riverside County posted recount results for 5 precincts within that county. The net result is a gain of 1 vote for Mary Salas in our neighbor county. * * * Day 1 of the 40th state senate recount is over in San Diego county. Juan Vargas began the day leading by …
Viewers Guide— Salas v. Vargas Recount Starts next Monday (July 19th) in Kearny mesa
Everything the public knows about Recounts is Wrong. There is almost no chance of a missed precinct or a math error erasing any part of Juan Vargas’ 22-vote lead over Mary Salas in Senate district 40. The recount will go through the motions, but no one expects to find that kind of flub. No, sportsfans, The Real Game involves votes …
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