UCSD’s most notorious student-run humor newspaper just sued the school for free speech violations stemming from the student government’s decision earlier this year to revoke funding from every independent campus media organization. Named as defendants are Chancellor Pradeep Khosla, former student government president Dominick Suvonnasupa, and former financial controller Tristan Britt, all sued in their official capacity. The lawsuit, The Koala v. Pradeep Khosla, et. …
Open Letter: Restore Funding to Student Media Organizations at UCSD
Open Letter: Restore Funding To Media Organizations At UCSD Below is the open letter calling for the UCSD student government to reverse its decision to defund student-run on-campus media organizations as sent to the UCSD Chancellor and the UCSD Associated Students President on Dec. 3, 2015. If you would also like to add your name to this letter, please feel free to …
The Quad of Young America’s Foundation: Collegiate Blog featuring yours truly
http://gabriellahoffman.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/guest-appearance-on-the-quad-young-americas-foundation-collegiate-blog/ http://www.yaf.org/freespeechUCSD.aspx Report from the Trenches at UC-San Diego From sunny and charming La Jolla, California, I bring rather daunting and implicating news about the attack on free speech at UCSD. For the past several weeks, UCSD students have faced ramifications of a situation taken way too far. From the Compton Cookout to the Associated Students of UCSD’s injunction on cutting media …
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