Rocky Chavez: What is the REAL Number?

South Bay SunnycrestSouth Bay Sunnycrest Leave a Comment

Former Oceanside City Councilman and 76th State Assembly candidate Rocky Chavez penned a commentary for our friends over at Fox & Hounds Daily blog about the real fiscal concern over improper allocation of taxpayer dollars at the state level. Given the recent controversy over missing special funds, Chavez asks the legitimate question, “what is the real number we need to …

Bonnie Dumanis is running… for Mayor Jerry Sanders’ third term

Ryan PurdyRyan Purdy 21 Comments

San Diego has a longstanding tradition of electing establishment Republicans, often with either military or law enforcement roots as its mayor. Before becoming U.S. Senator and California governor, former Marine Corps officer and Republican Pete Wilson was mayor of San Diego from 1971-1982. Wilson, a moderate to liberal on social issues, did limit the growth of the city’s budget, cut …