An Accomplished Fraud

Erica HollowayErica Holloway Leave a Comment

Today kicks off the hugely popular BlogHer ’11 conference in San Diego, a woman blogger-centric arena where the stronger sex gathers to share tips of the trade, network and even discuss some heavy topics. In Southern California, fewer hot buttons exists above immigration. This border town’s seen it’s share of debate on the subject that if polled would yield varying …

La Raza targets lawmakers who voted against the DREAM Act

Kimberly DvorakKimberly Dvorak Leave a Comment

The National Council of La Raza (NCLA) announced it will begin a new ad campaign targeting those lawmakers who voted against the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education of Alien Minors) during last year’s lame duck Congressional session. La Raza (the race in Spanish) launched an online and print ad campaign named “We Will Not Forget.” The campaign will serve …

California Democrats seek approval from voters to grant amnesty

Kimberly DvorakKimberly Dvorak 1 Comment

While the DREAM Act failed on a national stage, California State Democrats would like to skirt federal law and provide a pathway to citizenship for those who are illegally residing in the Golden State. State Assembly Bill 78, written by Tony Mendoza (D-Arcadia) seeks to put an advisory measure on the state ballot asking California voters if they think the …

Illegal immigrants entitled to in-state tuition, CA Supreme Court rules

Gabriella HoffmanGabriella Hoffman Leave a Comment

Taken from SFPA and The California Review on November 18th, 2010: California has a number of big problems: illegal immigration, budget deficits, tuition hikes for already strapped families. All these problems combine into one: in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. The California Supreme Court has affirmed the state program granting in-state tuition to “undocumented students,” all while tuition hikes are imminent …