To clarify a few points on the debate in Wisconsin.
- Collective Bargaining is not a “right.” If it was, federal workers would have the right, they do not.
- Collective Bargaining is not a “right.” If it was, then all state employees in the U.S. would have the right, they do not.
- Collective Bargaining is not a “right.” Nowhere is it enshrined in the Constitution, it was granted by legislation in Wisconsin, by executive order in some other states.
- State workers are protected from arbitrary firing and have numerous other protections in Wisconsin.
- Collective bargaining, combined with pay check deductions and public employee union contributions to political candidates forms a taxpayer subsidy to the Democratic party. That is unfair. If I don’t like Walmart’s political views, I can boycott their stores, but I can’t stop paying taxes to slow the flow of my money to a party I intensely dislike.
- Scott Walker has been criticized for wanting to bust unions. They say that like it’s a bad thing, it is not.
Cross posted to the The Liberator Today.