Tony Krvaric and Fred Whitaker, the respective chairmen of the San Diego County and Orange County Republican Parties, today asked Assemblyman Chad Mayes to step down from his position as Assembly Republican Leader, following Mayes’ support last week of extending the Cap and Trade program.
Here is the letter from Krvaric…
California Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes
State Capitol, Suite 3104
Sacramento, CA 94249
Dear Assembly Republican Leader Mayes,
The California Legislature’s decision to extend Governor Jerry Brown’s “Cap and Trade” program was a disaster. Cap and Trade negatively impacts our economy today, and because of the deal you cut – and subsequent votes you delivered – an enormous financial burden on poor and middle-class families is perpetuated. The harm can’t be understated as it continues to drive small businesses from our state – while increasing costs for those that can least afford it.
It’s not only bad policy, as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association pointed out, raising fuel prices by 21 cents per gallon come 2022 and by 71 cents come 2030 – in addition to the 19 cents per gallon hike rammed through by the Democrats in April, which we all rallied against.
It’s also bad strategically, as Republicans now risk owning this terrible policy. What case do we make to Californians to vote for our candidates? Oh, and Democrats in seats that we hope to win, like Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, got to take a pass and vote No, giving her a fig-leaf to pretend she’s a champion for taxpayers.
Finally, the tens of thousands of Republican grass-roots activists which make up our volunteer organizations, local county central committees, and state party committee feel betrayed. Moves like yours make it seem as if their support is taken for granted while deals are cut in back rooms, resulting in awkward photos with the Governor, and (fleeting) praise from the establishment.
While Republicans come in all flavors, and certainly not everyone agrees on every policy issue, the ONE thing voters should be able to count on is that Republicans will NOT raise their taxes.
While I realize that the choice of Leader rests with Republican Assemblymembers, it is with a heavy heart that I respectfully ask you to resign your position as Assembly Republican Leader immediately and allow another Republican caucus member the opportunity to lead.
Our Party must work hard to make its case to California voters by drawing bold contrasts – and proposing better policies – but it can’t do so if its leaders back the same policies as Democrats.
Tony Krvaric CHAIRMAN (volunteer)
Republican Party of San Diego County
Both Krvaric’s and Whitaker’s letters are linked here as one document…