San Diego County Gun Owners Calls for Nathan Fletcher to Resign

San Diego County Gun OwnersNathan Fletcher, Press Releases / Media Advisories, San Diego County Gun Owners 3 Comments


San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a political action committee promoting Second Amendment Rights, is joining in the chorus of elected officials, community leaders, and organizations who are calling for San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to resign.

Fletcher’s comments made to California Democratic Party supporters called the more than 1 million Californians who have signed the petition to recall Governor Newsom “Trump-inspired conspiracy theorists.” In addition, Fletcher said Californians leading the recall effort “are linked in associate with neo-Nazi, with white supremacists, with right-wing militia groups.”

In a taped recording, Fletcher said the following: “But these same extremists, these same Trump-inspired conspiracy theorists, are now seeking to undermine our democracy in California. They are involved in recall elections against our governor, Gavin Newsom. The recall effort led by pro-Trump extremists seek to undermine the Democratic process across our state. There is substantial evidence that those who are leading this recall effort are linked in associate with neo-Nazi, with white supremacists, with right-wing militia groups, and we cannot stand for this here either.”

SDCGO Executive Director Michael Schwartz stated, “On behalf of our members, our Board, and our employees, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC condemns Supervisor Fletcher’s hateful, divisive rhetoric.  It is beyond words to describe how we feel hearing an elected official condemn Californian voters who are participating in the democratic process; a recall process laid out clearly in our California Constitution.  Fletcher’s name-calling of law-abiding California voters has gone too far, and it is obvious that Fletcher intends to intimidate gun owners who are just some of the over 1 million California voters, from across the political spectrum, who are proudly participating in the Newsom recall effort.

“With all that has happened politically in the last 12 months, choosing to compare honest, hard-working gun owners to Nazis demeans the Holocaust, its survivors, and all of those who lost family, friends, and loved ones.  We are befuddled, confused, and sad that Fletcher made this horrible, calculated smear. We repudiate his actions and are calling for his immediate resignation. San Diego County deserves representation from leaders who speak the truth and do not support or encourage sedition by their harmful, misleading, and false statements.

“We do not know what Fletcher intends to incite against us, but we won’t be intimidated. We won’t stop working to protect our Constitutional rights.  We won’t sit silently while irresponsible elected officials fan the flames of hate with harmful rhetoric. We will continue to work within the peaceful, constitutional, political system to protect our civil rights.

“For the good of the voters in San Diego, Nathan Fletcher, step down from your office.”

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Comments 3

  1. Nathan Fletcher’s comments encourage violence. Specifically, his comments deceitfully fabricate justification for people to join Antifa in San Diego, and to engage in violent attacks against civil gatherings and against police. These kinds of ugly smears are dishonest and unbecoming of a San Diego County Supervisor. Worse, the timing of his comments coincides with a violent attack by Antifa against a peaceful civic gathering and police in Pacific Beach. This kind of shameful demogagory must be repudiated by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. At a minimum he should be stripped of his chairmanship and censored by his fellow County Supervisors.

  2. If it hasn’t become clear to everyone yet, Democrats have become emboldened, more so than I have ever seen in my lifetime. Between their ballot box victories and Republican missteps/inaction, they believe they can say/do virtually anything. They are reinforced in this belief due to a complete lack of consequences in the media, the courts and the elections. You have to give the devil his due, their emphasis on employment in the journalism, legal and educational professions was expertly carried out and now they are reaping the benefits.

    We conservatives/Republicans have to realize we have gotten our butt kicked and decide what, if anything, we are going to do about it.

    Our history has shown us that this ebb and tide of political fortunes is a staple of our political system. The way back for Republican/conservatives begins with strong, local leaders and rebuilding our electorate back up.

    I believe we have the framework at the County level to begin that process but two things must precede any action. We must analyze who we really are, and this blog can play a vital role in that determination, and we need to elucidate our end state.

    Finally, remember, nothing is ever as good nor as bad as it first appears.

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