“The latest attack from our opponents is more politics as usual. This one will backfire too because we welcome a discussion of Nathan’s remarkable legislative record of passing landmark legislation like Chelsea’s Law, tax reform, and regulatory relief. In just three years in office, Nathan Fletcher has been an author to more pieces of legislation than Bob Filner has in his TWENTY years in congress. What’s more, his opponents have missed far more votes than Nathan — DeMaio and Filner together have missed more than four times as many votes.
“This is just the latest sign that the city hall insiders fear Nathan’s independent candidacy and his rise in the polls.”
-Amy Thoma
Marine Corps Veteran Tess Banko Responds to Bonnie Dumanis Attack:
“It’s unfortunate Bonnie Dumanis has decided to play political games and climb in the sandbox with party insiders and career politicians. Using military terms like ‘enemy’ and ‘AWOL’ to attack her opponent is uncharacteristic of Bonnie Dumanis, but it demonstrates the desperate state of a campaign with no message or money.
“San Diegans have a choice in this election, more of the same from the right and left or an independent, trusted voice in Nathan Fletcher.”
Tess Banko is a veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps
Bob Filner: 137
Carl DeMaio: 88
Nathan Fletcher: 52
Bob Filner: Passed out of house 17 bills (lifetime) signed by president 6
Nathan Fletcher: Signed by Governor 29
Comments 6
Mr Fletcher, for someone that says he wants to put the politics of the past behind us, you seem to be the first one to throw stones. Kudos to Bonnie for calling you out after your nasty attack on her.
As I am sure you are aware, the vote counts above represent only a few days of absence. There is more to these positions than just voting on issues. You have missed 35 DAYS in the past two months essentially abandoning your Assembly post to run for Mayor. Can you say that of the other candidates in THIS CURRENT year?
Twenty-nine laws in three years? Seriously? Just…leave….us…alone
Good for Dumanis for calling Mr. Fletcher out. His record is flimsy at best. Almost no one disagrees with laws against child killers, yet he talks about how he got the law past when no one else said it was possible.
Don’t worry your pretty little head about Dirty Dumanis, Mr. Fletcher. NOT DUMANIS has that dog on the run and she can throw mud at you all she wants, as she sits in her political lifeboat and slowly sinks in the polls to barely double digits.
We know who has the momentum and who is worthy of holding the office of Mayor and it’s ain’t Bogus Bonnie!
When is someone going to ask if Chelsea’s law is helping anyone right now? He got it passed, but it isn’t funded.
Do we need another unfunded mandate?
Stop passing so many friggin unfunded, government intrusive bills!
Once again, Fletcher quotes his own press secretary saying what he presumably told her to say. Why doesn’t he just say it himself?