Recently there’s been a nationwide effort to get some overseas manufacturing jobs “reshored” to the United States, apparently with modest success. But California has received only 2.4% of those jobs — a pretty dismal result.
It’s particularly distressing when one considers that CA holds 12.18% of the nation’s population. That means that, per capita, on average the other 49 states got more than 5.5 times the “reshoring” jobs that California received.
California Attracts 2.4% Of U.S. Reshored Jobs
By Gino DiCaro
Vice President of Communications for the California Manufacturers & Technology Association
Thursday, June 18th, 2015
The Reshoring Initiative, an organization committed to helping manufacturers recognize the profit potential of domestic sourcing and production, has published its updated reshoring numbers that illustrate the U.S. manufacturing advantages driving the manufacturing renaissance. A growing number of companies across the country are bringing thousands of manufacturing jobs home from offshore.
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