U-T CARTOON: Woman kills man? Hilarious! Man kills woman? Not so much.

Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax FightersRichard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters 1 Comment


Lots of funny captions provided by readers for this U-T cartoon. But my wife made an interesting observation: Reverse the roles — make it two MEN with the big gun — and an empty pair of smoking WOMEN’s shoes.

I suspect that would NOT be deemed funny, or even offered up for caption-adding to the public. If it were published, letters would pour into the paper from people “deeply offended.”

Such is the double standard of today’s (selectively) sensitive society.




Comments 1

  1. I read abut this years ago. Its a belief among the left called reciprocity (if I remember it right). It basically says that any historically victimized group has the right to ridicule or take from present day descendants of oppressors.

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