In a stunning turn of events, just days before the California primary, Sheriff Gore appears to have embellished his FBI exploits. Statements like “I stormed hijacked planes, I did all that stuff,” could have been exaggerated and needs further explanation.
The emotional aspects of the San Diego County Sheriff’s race may have caused Gore, the current appointed caretaker of the Sheriff’s office, to misspeak or embellish his background as an agent with the FBI.
After dozens of phone calls to verify Sheriff Gore’s days as a young G-man in the FBI storming hijacked planes and killing bank robbers it seems it is Gore who has some explaining to do. According to multiple news stories Sheriff Gore talked about his high flying days in the FBI in order to shrug off complaints from San Diego Sheriff Opponents Jim Duffy and Jay La Suer about his lack of street experience. This game of one-upmanship has led to more questions than answers.
In several recent print articles published in San Diego County, Sheriff Gore is reported to have offered specific details, regarding his background in law enforcement, which in turn caused questions to be asked by many who found inconsistencies in the facts contained in the articles. And when contacted there were no requests from Gore to correct the obvious inaccuracies in the articles. In the East County Magazine story an email was sent from the Sheriff’s Dept. thanking them for a good story, said Miriam Raftery.
Those asking questions about Sheriff Gore’s comments about his background were concerned that he may have embellished details regarding his involvement in two incidents- a 1972 hijacking in Seattle and a bank robbery in 1978.
Comments 3
A June 9, 2005 article in The San Diego Union-Tribune, stated that the FBI failed to seize at least 5 opportunities to intercept two 9/11 hijackers before the attacks, including two instances in San Diego County when the terrorists lived with an FBI informant and were befriended by a subject of a previous FBI investigation.
According to a report released by the Justice Department’s Inspector General, the FBI office in San Diego erred by focusing too much on drug investigations before Sept. 11, 2001.
Despite the fact that FBI headquarters had established counter terrorism as a top priority of the FBI in 1998, the San Diego field office was continuing to pursue drug trafficking as its top priority in 2001, the report stated.
The hijackers did not draw attention to themselves while in San Diego. They used the same names known to the intelligence community for all purposes.
One of the terrorist’s names was published in the telephone book!
Another serious FBI breakdown was the agency’s mishandling of a Phoenix FBI agent’s memo two months before 9/11 that outlined the potential for Osama bin Laden to send students to enroll in flight school in preparation for attacking civil aviation targets.
Two of the hijackers on board the airliner that crashed into the Pentagon trained in San Diego.
Mr. Gore was the FBI Special Agent in charge at the San Diego FBI office during this period of time!
This same person, Bill Gore, wants to be the Sheriff in this county.
In August 1992, three people died at a place known as Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Mr. Gore was the Special Agent in Charge at Seattle and was part of the command structure at Ruby Ridge when the FBI command structure changed the Rules of Engagement for the FBI (operating at Ruby Ridge) to basically a “Shoot on Sight” policy. The FBI was attempting to arrest Randy Weaver on a weapons violation charged in a warrant of arrest.
The FBI shooting policy in effect in August 1992 provided: “Agents are not to utilize deadly force against any person except as necessary in self defense or for the defense of another when they have reason to believe that they or another are in serious danger of death or grievous bodily harm. Where feasible a verbal warning should be given before deadly force is applied.”
The rules were changed as follows:
a. “If any adult male in the compound is observed with a weapon prior to the (surrender) announcement, deadly force can and should be employed, if the shot can be taken without endangering any children.”
b. “If any adult in the compound is observed with a weapon after the surrender announcement is made, and is not attempting to surrender, deadly force can and should be employed to neutralize the individual.”
As a result, Vickie Weaver was shot and killed while standing behind the front door of the cabin. She was not holding a gun, she was holding her baby!
News articles report that he (Gore) believed that “Any armed adult (who) emerged from the cabin… would be displaying clear disregard for the lawful demand to lay down arms and surrender.”
He believed that the Rules of Engagement seemed appropriate for the situation at Ruby Ridge. He understood that the Rules made any adult male with a weapon in the Weaver compound the subject of deadly force….
Regardless of whether or not they were a threat.
Mr. Gore never questioned or challenged the policy change or the rest of the leadership team regarding the potential for the unwarranted and unnecessary death of any person who was not a direct threat.
In a CNN report posted on the web on October 14, 1995, the following is stated: “FBI Swat team members told a Senate panel Friday that they were shocked by the “shoot-on-sight” rules in effect during the FBI’s 11 day siege of white separatist Randy Weaver’s cabin in 1992”
“My reaction is ‘you’ve got to be kidding.” agent Donald Kusulas told the committee.
Agent Peter King said that his reaction was “that’s crazy; that’s ridiculous.” and both men testified that they decided not to follow rules which allowed them to shoot on sight at any armed, adult male at the scene.
The U.S. Senate Sub-Committee investigating the events at Ruby Ridge, in their official report, stated, “Ruby Ridge represents a tragic chapter in the history of American law enforcement. The American people expect more and deserve more. If our government is to maintain – indeed, even deserve the trust of the American people, it cannot fear or avoid the truth.”
The 9th District Court said that the shooting policy was a gross deviation from constitutional principles and a wholly unwarranted return to a lawless and arbitrary wild-west school of law enforcement.
The U.S. Senate Sub-Committee, in their official report, stated “Rules of Engagement cannot eliminate constitutional rights with regard to certain suspects, even if they are particularly dangerous.”
Mr. Gore, when called to testify before the U.S. Senate Sub-Committee investigating the Ruby Ridge incident, used his 5th Amendment right against self incrimination and refused to testify.
RUBY RIDGE: Report of the subcommittee on terrorism, technology and government – information of the senate committee on the judiciary.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer – September 20, 1995 – Headline: $ FBI Agents take the 5th at Ruby Ridge Hearing.
The Washington Post, September 20, 1995 – Headline: Siege Leader says he was tossed to ‘Sharks’; Demoted FBI Official indicates role of superiors in Ruby Ridge has been glossed over.
Associated Press – September 19, 1995 – Headline: FBI Field commander says he is scapegoat
#444 Civil Suit settled in Ruby Ridge case – Department of justice press release – August 15, 1995
CNN U.S. News October 14, 1995 Web posted at 8:56 a.m. EDT Headline: SWAT team members: FBI shooter rules “crazy” at Ruby Ridge
Federal News Service, September 19, 1995 Headline: Hearing on the senate judiciary committee on terrorism, technology and government information subcommittee SUBJECT: Federal raid in Ruby Ridge, Idaho
The Tech Online edition, September 26, 1997 Headline: Court says ‘Shoot to Kill’ practice used by FBI at Ruby Ridge unlawful
The 9/11 Commission Report – Final report of the national commission on terrorist attacks upon the United States
Sign on San Diego June 9, 2005 Headline: Local FBI faulted for pre-9/11 errors
I watched the Ruby Ridge hearings headed by Senator Arlen Specter with Fred Thompson on the panel who said “You basically had a hunting license”. All of the principles in the incident were promoted.
Good job Anthony for fleshing out the incident on the blog.
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