On the heels of my “Roadmap to Recovery” plan to fix the city’s financial problems, today I outlined a “Pathway to Prosperity” plan to jumpstart job creation in San Diego.
I’d love to hear your reaction to the plan — and your additional ideas on how we can get San Diegans back to work!
DeMaio Kicks Off Major Job Creation Initiative Dubbed “Pathway to Prosperity”
Outlines 7 Policy Proposals, Appoints 15-Person Job Creation Task Force, Unveils Regulatory Relief Hotline, and Convenes Jobs Summits
San Diego – From the man who brought San Diego the 90-page “Roadmap to Recovery” plan to fix city finances comes the “Pathway to Prosperity,” an initiative to get San Diegans back to work through job creation. Councilmember Carl DeMaio today kicked off a four-month effort to advance what he calls “cutting edge ideas that will make San Diego the leader in innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation.”
“We need to get San Diegans back to work – and I’m aggressively pursuing ideas to make city government a help, rather than a hindrance, to economic recovery in our region,” commented DeMaio.
DeMaio’s “Pathway to Prosperity” initiative includes four major components:
7 “Break Through” Proposals: DeMaio unveiled 7 policy proposals that constitute his “starting point” for job creation – ranging from a complete overhaul of how Development Services Department processes permits to the creation of a “CleanTech” Incubator and Expo.
15-Person Task Force: To assist in the review and formulation of job creation and economic development strategies, DeMaio is appointing a 15-person Task Force comprised of well-known San Diego business leaders and experts.
Job Creation Hotline: San Diegans can share their ideas for job creation and regulatory reform by calling 619-236-6210.
“Jobs Summits:” Over the next five months, DeMaio will convene a series of Town Halls where business owners and members of the public can help formulate and refine proposals for job creation.
Task Force
- Jerry Navarra – Chairman, Jerome’s Furniture
- Susie Bauman – Owner, Bali Hai Restaurant
- Ruben Garcia – District Director, Small Business Administration
- Leo Hamel – Owner, Leo Hamel Fine Jewelers
- Frank Hewitt – Chairman, IntelliSolutions, Inc.
- Laura Nelson – Owner, Cass Construction Co.
- Phil Pace – Owner, Phil’s BBQ
- Tom Sudberry – Chairman, Sudberry Properties
- Ed Plant – Owner, San Diego Cold Storage
- Janie Ramshaw – Owner, Ramshaw Enterprises, Inc.
- Joe Terzi – President & CEO, San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Vince Vasquez – Senior Policy Analyst, National University
- Courtland Weisleder – Founder, Greener Dawn Inc., and US Green Chamber of Commerce
- Steve Williams – Partner, SENTRE Partners
DeMaio currently has four “Jobs Summits” scheduled and has tapped well-known economic commentator George Chamberlain of the San Diego Daily Transcript to serve as facilitator:
Thursday, September 15, 2011
16350 Via Esprillo
San Diego, CA 92127
Friday, November 4, 2011
10210 Genetic Ctr. Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121
Friday, October 21, 2011
War Memorial Building
2125 Park Boulevard
San Diego, California 9210
Friday, December 2, 2011
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA. 92182
7 Policy Proposals
1. Designate “Job Sector Coordinators” to Trouble-Shoot Problems in Economic Sectors
2. Overhaul of Permit Processing at Development Services
3. Clean Tech Incubator Center and Retail Expo
4. Expand the “Hire a Youth” Program to Support 5000 Youth Jobs
5. Vocal Leadership to Ensure Completion of Navy Headquarters Project
6. Implement the “Tourism 2020” Strategic Plan
7. Make San Diego a “Fair and Open Employment” Region
Appoint a Deputy Mayor for Job Creation
“Politicians do not know how to create jobs, and they have a track record of mostly killing jobs. That’s why as a businessman I am reaching out to other business leaders for their suggestions on how to streamline city government to foster job creation in San Diego.”
— Carl DeMaio
To view the full report click on the link: http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd5/pdf/news/2011/110804majorjob02.pdf
Comments 8
We all know you plan on eliminating city jobs which means layoffs, now you plan on creating jobs. You are all over the board. I guess you’ll say anything to get elected. I might actually support you if you just told the truth and quit grandstanding.
Rough Rider proves the astounding lack of macroeconomic education in this country. Please note – the PRIVATE sector jobs that Carl is trying to help foster pay the taxes that make the “city jobs” possible.
If City workers don’t have to pay taxes, they have an even better job than I thought they did.
I think that Rough Rider is intentionally confusing two issues:
1. REPLACE public sector city workers with private sector workers via managed competition — or getting the public sector workers to do the job for less cost. Either result neither creates nor destroys jobs — it just gets the city’s work done for less cost to the taxpayers.
2. This separate proposed “Pathway to Prosperity” initiative to create more private sector jobs by reversing the anti-business climate that currently pervades our city.
One thing we can rely on — under NO CIRCUMSTANCES would Rough Rider vote for Carl — he’s being disingenuous with that nonsense. But then, that’s why he (or she) comments anonymously.
And Alger is intentionally pretending to think Erik said city workers don’t pay taxes.
Hysterical. Erik is right on point. Alger must think if there were no private sector jobs, that government workers would generate enough in taxes to pay for themselves.
You do seem to enjoy putting words into my mouth. Obviously the key to a strong economy is a vibrant prIvate sector and I have never said otherwise. My frustration of late is this argument that the battle is between taxpayers and public employees as If public employees don’t pay taxes, too.
My other frustration is the belief that when a public employee is fired, this is a cause for celebration. Putting aside the personal suffering of job loss, it also isn’t good for a region with double- digit unemployment.
For every dollar increase in taxes that a public worker pays, that likely translates into an average $10 to $20 increase in that worker’s compensation. So is the public worker paying taxes? Technically yes — practically speaking, no.
Will that government worker favor increasing taxes? Silly question.