Is the UNION-TRIBUNE becoming the far-left LA TIMES? No, not yet — though troubling trends are appearing

Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax FightersRichard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters 1 Comment


The LA TIMES owners recently purchased the historically more conservative SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE.  Naturally the U-T readers — primarily right of center — are concerned with the change in tone of the paper, and content.  I’ve been monitoring this, and so far, I must say my concerns have not been (yet) realized.

The U-T editorials still deliver primarily the conservative viewpoint most readers expect.  The editorial they just published on the dishonest Prop 13 split roll “reform” is first rate.  It appears the same opinion editors still hold sway in the paper.

The op-eds haven’t yet changed too much, though it seems to me that there are more liberal viewpoint pieces than before. Overall, not too bad.

On the news front, the U-T “watchdog” articles still seem top quality, but some of he secondary articles seem to now show a more liberal bias.   Not overt — usually subtle. But then, it might be just my paranoia acting up.

A bigger concern is that the paper is starting to “copy and paste” some LA TIMES stories in the U-T — a money-saving move.  The liberal bias of the TIMES permeates that paper, with many “news” articles looking like they should be on the liberal editors’ opinion page.   Not good.

One bright spot is that the U-T still publishes Steven Greenhut’s rather libertarian column prominently in the front section of the paper.  I certainly hope this continues.

For now, I’ll continue to subscribe to the paper (along with my WALL ST JOURNAL).  I need to be reasonably up to speed on local matters — and would not want to have to rely solely on the electronic VOICE OF SAN DIEGO.  I hope the paper doesn’t give me reason to end my multi-decade subscription.

So far, so good. We shall see.


Comments 1

  1. There was an editorial Saturday that praised all the local congress critters that voted for the TPP. This is an agreement that the writer and the public have not seen yet. I hope you Rostrafarians don’t support this obvious hackery.

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