by Fred Schnaubelt
Please don’t recall Mayor Bob Filner.
Mayor Filner has made the Sunday Talk Shows.
He has garnered more national publicity in the past month than in all 20 years in Congress, in fact, in his entire political career. Like Anthony Wiener, he craves this publicity. This is the oxygen they both thrive on.
Bob Filner is the Poster Boy for the Democrat Party’s real position on women.
The longer his stint as Mayor drags out the better for conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and TEA Party members.
Even low-information voters who typically are clueless about politicians now know Mayor Filner.
Political opponents can never raise enough money to pay for this kind of negative Democrat Party publicity.
(Is this why the media increasingly avoids mentioning Filner is a Democrat?)
Free Bob Filner (Let him do his thing).
Schnaubelt is a former San Diego City Councilman. See his for increasing your political power.
Comments 3
“Is this why the media increasingly avoids mentioning Filner is a Democrat?”
Which media? You certainly don’t mean the UT, which has noted it consistently? Fred?
In a big CNN story on this scandal, the fact that Mayor Filner is a Democrat was not mentioned until the 14th paragraph. Even then, it’s an aside — talking about “fellow Democrat.” While it talked about his long stint in Congress, the piece failed to mention which party he represented.
Gee, I wonder — if Filner were a Republican and had served (as Filner has) as a U.S. Congressman for many years, would we find his party affiliation listed (and not just as a BTW) before the 14th paragraph?
Hi Greg,
Media is plural, a collective term.
No I did not mean the UT which has been excessively ebullient in covering Filner, but the UT is not representative of the remainder of those of whom the media is comprised.