Felien weighs in for Kern’s Assembly campaign

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Guest Column
by Gary Felien, former Oceanside City Council Member

As you may have heard, my good friend and former Council colleague Jerry Kern is running for the 76th Assembly District.

We served together for four years and built a strong record of fiscally conservative policies.

We ended deficit spending and passed four balanced budgets in a row with no tax increases, raised the city reserves from zero to six million, restored the city’s credit rating, froze pensionable base salaries, implemented real pension reform, and capped medical expenses. That is a record that favorably compares to any city in California.

Jerry also led the fight to reduce government regulations on businesses. We reformed underground fees, implemented fee deferral until occupancy, streamlined the building permit process, and clarified the building height requirement at the beach. He was always ready to assist any business that needed help working with city staff.

Prior to my being elected to the Council, Jerry’s fiscally conservative policies put him in the crosshairs of labor. A recall effort in 2009, funded by public sector labor unions, spent more than $200,000 to recall Jerry — and failed miserably.

In 2010, Jerry was the primary supporter of the proposed city charter, which voters passed by a comfortable margin. Today, the charter continues to save the city millions of dollars while protecting fair and open competition for city projects.

I can say from first hand knowledge that Jerry Kern is a great fiscal conservative and a great free market advocate. Please join me in supporting him for Assembly.


Felien is the Treasurer of the Republican Party of San Diego County


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