Asian Business Association of San Diego
Republican Party of San Diego County
Building Industry Association – San Diego
San Diego County Apartment Association
California Restaurant Association
San Diego County Taxpayers Association
Neighborhood Market Association
San Diego Tax Fighters
Lincoln Club of San Diego County
July 29, 2010
Honorable Mayor Jerry Sanders
Honorable City Councilmembers
City of San Diego
202 West C Street, 11th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Re: Reform Before Revenue
Dear Mayor Sanders and City Councilmembers:
On behalf of the hundreds of thousands of individual and organizational members of the Asian Business Association of San Diego, Building Industry Association – San Diego Chapter, Neighborhood Market Association, California Restaurant Association, Lincoln Club of San Diego County, Republican Party of San Diego County, San Diego County Apartment Association, San Diego County Taxpayers Association and San Diego Tax Fighters, we are
writing to demand real reform before consideration of new revenue – specifically, a sales tax increase.
The latest Frye/Gloria proposal under consideration ultimately results in a two year blank check for the City and puts revenue before reform. In light of the limited progress to date on pension and retiree healthcare reform, lack of managed competition implementation, and the impacts of a severe recession, we cannot support such a proposal.
We stand ready to support your efforts to implement structural reform. Please contact me at 619-234-6423 if you have any questions.
Lani Lutar
President & CEO
San Diego County Taxpayers Association
On Behalf of the Reform Before Revenue Coalition
cc: Jay Goldstone, COO
Andrea Tevlin, Independent Budget Analyst