If you like political controversy you must feel like a kid in a candy store these days. One bombshell after another is coming out of San Diego City Hall. Meanwhile, Councilmember Kevin Faulconer is pushing for positive change to guard tax dollars and reinvest in core City services including street repair.
Faulconer is calling for action to reduce government waste and inefficiency through the voter-approved managed competition program. Up for a vote today is a resolution authored by Faulconer urging Mayor Filner to lift his freeze on competitive bidding for city services.
He’s not just taking legislative action, though. Faulconer’s also using more creative methods to convince Mayor Filner to free up tax dollars for San Diego neighborhoods. Here’s the Whopper of a story, in case you missed it: Faulconer Has Filner Eating Out of His Hand.
Matt Awbrey is Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director for Councilmember Kevin Faulconer.