Firefighter Union Pres: “Leave California”

Greg LarkinGreg Larkin 21 Comments


In response to a Tuesday post by Richard Rider, San Diego Firefighter Union President Frank De Clercq responded on Twitter, “Why don’t all these ‘Right Wing Special Interests’ leave California and go to Texas, and stay there!!!”

How statesman-like.  The City of San Diego must be pleased to have union leaders so willing to have a real discussion.

We’re sure that De Clercq and his ilk would simply love it if those with whom they disagree left town, then they’d only have to protect those buying in hook, line and ladder to the union mentality.

Sounds like Nirvana. Utopia. Xanadu. Never Never Land.

Of course, it wouldn’t leave enough tax generation to keep the fire houses open, but give him a break, he’s a union leader, not an economist.


Comments 21

  1. Actually the solution is for DE CLERCQ to move to Texas. THAT would certainly narrow the economic difference between the two states.

    He could work on ruining the Lone Star state, and California would certainly be better off with his “look for the union label” departure.

    Plus we can replace him with a 401-k firefighter — accelerating San Diego’s work to reduce our massive unfunded pension liability which he worked so hard to impose on city taxpayers.

  2. As a general rule, I believe that diversity of opinion (Rider’s or DeClercq’s) makes our State stronger. Specifically, I think California is better because Richard Rider made it his home. That being said, the constant complaining about how bad everything is in California does beg the question as to why anyone who feels that way would voluntarily continue to live here.

  3. Raoul, I’d certainly like some verification of your “ff lives in Spain” assertion. I can put that to good use, if you can provide a source.

    Few people realize that we lost hundreds if not thousands of homes in the San Diego County brush fires this last decade in large part because local firefighters took HOURS to be called in for the emergency. Many live in Temecula or other outlying areas, and took their sweet time reporting for duty and manning the extra fire trucks. In my Scripps Ranch, I’d say we lost over 200 homes for this reason. The press never covered this aspect of the story.

  4. Hypocrisy, I’m sure it’s also a mystery to you why the people backing the American Revolution chose to fight rather than simply leaving for another land. From your query, I presume you are one who would have fled rather than fought, or perhaps joined the Tories. To each his own.

  5. Richard,

    Are you seriously comparing yourself to our Founding Fathers? LOL.

    I may have missed it, but I haven’t seen you (nor am I advocating that you) take up arms and risk your life during your years of non-stop California bashing.

  6. Hypocrisy, I am NOT comparing myself to the Founding Fathers. LOL. It’s a “fight vs. flee” question you presented, and I answered it.

    One fights many ways. Perhaps the most effective “fighter” in the American Revolution was Thomas Paine, who fought with the pamphlet and the printing press. His “non-stop bashing” of British oppression and injustice was a huge factor in bringing Colonial Americans to the point of revolt.

    I’d FAR prefer to solve our problems with the soap box and the ballot box– rather than the cartridge box.

  7. Keep up the good fight RR! Those who love freedom and liberty appreciate you. Let the mugwumps fall where they may.

  8. RR – I totally agree with solving the problems at the ballot box, just have a back up plan too!

  9. Richard,

    Our Founding Fathers, including Thomas Paine, fought against the results of tyranny and the concept of taxation without representation. You, on the other hand, are fighting against the results of democracy and the concept of taxation that was voted on by the people.

  10. Hypocrisy, the same could be said (by you) of the Abolishionists who tried to change the laws on slavery — a LEGAL institution recognized by the federal government. Since they “fought” for change, I presume you view their actions as somehow undemocratic. Weird.

    I also presume you think that they folks who fought to change the property tax laws of CA were somehow “fighting against the results of democracy . . . .” REALLY weird.

    I presume your premise is that once a law is passed democratically, it’s somehow undemocratic to try to get the law changed — using discourse, persuasion and facts. Really, REALLY weird.

    Speaking of hypocrisy, I’m pretty sure you support the amending of Prop 13 (preferring two-tier taxation or whatever) — which is a “concept of taxation that was voted on by the people.” BEYOND weird.

    I think it is apparent which of us supports democracy, which does not.

  11. Richard,

    So now eliminating slavery is the moral equivalent of paying less in taxes?

    Accepting the fact that I don’t know you and I could be wrong, you seem more intent on bashing your home state than you do on making it better. Most of your posts, especially considering who the likely readership is, appear to more serve the purpose of trying to convince people to leave the state than the purpose of improving the state.

    Generally, someone who wants to see something improve would mix in the occassional compliment with all the vitriol. For example, it would be nice to point out that Texas has a property tax rate 2-3 times higher than California’s, has property values almost 50% less than California’s and a median income at least 15% below that in California.

    And by the way, I like Prop 13 fine the way it is.

  12. Hypocrisy, YOU made rash claims about me “fighting against the results of democracy and the concept of taxation that was voted on by the people.” You were dead wrong, as I’m following democratic principles, trying to arouse and inform the public as to why reform is needed.

    THAT is the key point — you oppose my reforms, so you futilely claim that my even presenting such arguments is somehow “undemocratic.” Shame on you.

    As to whether or not you approve of my message and question its effectiveness, that’s no big deal. I don’t want your approval, as I don’t much value your opinion in such matters. Indeed, I’d have to say I’m on the right track, based on your response.

    Now, about property taxes. We pay higher property taxes in CA than people do in Texas. The lower CA tax rate is MORE than offset by the higher CA price of equivalent properties. (2009 latest year available)

    As to lower Texas property values, you think that’s a bad thing. I think it’s a GOOD thing.

    Our high property prices are the major reason why CA is ranked the 49th worst state in percentage of home ownership. Perhaps you care only about those who now own CA homes and profit from the scarcity — to he__ with hopeful new home buyers.

    As to Texans having a lower median income, because of lower prices and taxes, that lower Texas income is MORE than made up by increased buying power. And that’s why California — adjusted for cost of living — now has by far the highest poverty rate in the nation. CA poverty rate is 19% higher than the 2nd highest state, and 55.7% higher than the average of the other 49 states.

    But gosh, I suppose I’m shouldn’t disseminate such facts. Right? After all. it will make people feel less enamored and smug about the California situation.

    Yet somehow it’s okay for YOU to disseminate information on these topics, even if it is misleading or totally incorrect — because it makes one more of a fan boy of the Golden State.

  13. I love California, and have no desire to move to Texas. But these government employee pension funds, union work rules, and the arrogance of officialdom in general are helping trash this state’s economy, no question about it.

    I don’t blame Richard at all for telling it like it is. Better to *sound* negative than to be the *source* of the problems.

    To those who say this fight is nothing like the struggle waged by the American colonists against the tyranny of King George III of Britain, I say look at the incarceration rates, the tax rates, and the degree to which the authorities in each case were interfering with the economy and trying to control people’s lives.

    Just because the United States is nominally a democracy, does not mean that it is a functional one. The country is dominated by the two-party Republicrat cartel, whose ballot access laws, winner-take-all voting system, collaboration with a largely lapdog mainstream media and other techniques of controlling public opinion and determining election results mean that little changes despite the vast dissatisfaction of the public and desire for hope and change.

    In January, a Pew Research Poll found that for the first time, a majority of Americans (53%) say government is a threat to their own personal rights and freedoms, while only 43% disagreed.

    When you have a sitting president claiming the power to arbitrarily murder people including U.S. citizens on his say-so that they are involved with terrorism, without any due process or checks and balances, and Congress going along with it, the only surprising thing should be that the 53% number is not even higher.

    As people continue to wake up and become aware of the growing tyranny, it will be. To those government officials who want to just keep lining their pockets at our expense and taxing/spending/regulating/incarcerating like there’s no tomorrow, just remember the words of JFK that those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.

  14. Richard,

    Let’s review how this started:

    My initial comment simply questioned why someone who obviously hates everything about California would voluntarily live here instead some other more desirable state. (Texas, perhaps?)

    You response was first to compare your quest to “fix” California to the struggle undertaken by Our Founding Fathers and then to compare it to the battle fought by the Abolitionists.

    I simply questioned the appropriateness of the comparisons, not of your right to voice your views or to attempt to convince others of the righteousness of your opinions. In fact, if you remember that first comment, I lauded diversity of opinion and even stated that California was a better place because of your presence (even if you obviously don’t think the same about those who disagree with your opinions).

    My concern is that you appear to have no desire to actually see improvement; you just like to complain. That is only my opinion and as you stated earlier, that is not important to you nor are you trying to gain my approval. On the other hand, you do spend an inordinate amount of time responding to my comments.

  15. A good point Hypocrisy. You DO waste my time.

    But I don’t write to YOU. I write to the OTHER readers seeking ammo against the advocates for ever bigger government — not you, of course. 😉

    And BTW, you are as wrong as ever. Obviously I don’t “hate everything about California.” What an absurd comment, even for you!

    IF I did, I wouldn’t live here. I’m fighting to STAY in the land I love (not the “state” I love). Frequently people confuse the GOVERNMENTS of California with the place we live in. You certainly do. One can love California without out loving the government of California.

    I’m amazed you don’t recognize — let alone acknowledge — the difference. Wait . . . upon reflection, I’m not in the least bit amazed.

    It’s run or fight. I’m too old to run.

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